National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS)
Title : | National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) |
Type : | Central Sector Scheme |
Objectives : |
Salient features : |
Pattern of Assistance : |
Expenses on account of indemnity claims, Corpus Fund, A & O Expenses, publicity, premium subsidy to small and marginal farmers etc. are shared between Central and State Governments on 50 : 50 basis in the initially. |
Eligibility : |
Central Government is the policy making authority for the scheme. Presently, General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) is the Implementing Agency. The activities relating to the implementation of NAIS are carried out through GIC, rural financial institutions, State Governments/UT Administration and farmers. |
Procedure to apply : |
At the beginning of each crop season, the State Govt./UT Administration in consultation with GIC notifies the crops and defines the areas which will be covered under the scheme during the season. The monthly crop-wise and area-wise details of crop insurance with premium are remitted to the nodal points and nodal point on receipt of such inputs from various loan disbursing points, scrutinizes and transmits them GIC on monthly basis as per cut-off dates fixed. The non-loanee farmer who desires to join the scheme would fill up proposal form of NAIS and submits the same alongwith premium in the village branch of commercial bank or Regional Rural Bank or PACS of Cooperative Bank. It is the responsibility of the branch/PACS to verify the particulars of sum insured, the maximum limit etc., while accepting the proposal. The particulars then, are consolidated and sent to the respective nodal points for onward transmission to GIC State Level Crop Insurance Cell before the dates specified in the notification of the Government. |
Persons to be contacted : |
The Joint Secretary Credit Division, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. |
Date of Start/Duration | The scheme is being implemented from Rabi 1999-2000. |
Implementation status : |
Presently, the scheme is being implemented in 18 States and 2 Union Territories as indicated below: